廣州電信IT通信網路翻譯-提供高品質高水準的韓語翻譯服務!020-85593870 020-85593869


  • 電話:020-85593870
  • 電話:020-85593869
  • Email:fy991@126.com
  • 地址:廣州市天河區天河路371-377號隆德大廈6樓西A15室(地鐵石牌橋站D出口)



  • 中國建築標準研究院
  • 中國機械進出口總公司
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  • 英國航空公司
  • 埃克森美孚石油公司
  • 瑞士再保險公司
  • 中國電力
  • 中華律師協會
  • 德國使館






ZTE 蘇丹電信----南蘇丹電信設備維護方案

ZTE Sudan Telecoms –Maintenance Proposal for Equipment of South Sudan Telecom


Scope of service:


To assist South Sudan Telecom to newly establish 26 telecom stations and the central machine room in JUBA.


Contents of service:

1. To establish a 24-hour watch system for the central machine room so as to monitor the operations of main equipment;

2. To carry out failure elimination and daily maintenance of the 26 telecom stations;

3. To conduct maintenance and repairs for generators, air-conditioners and relevant electric facilities;

中心機房、JUBA城內站點每週一次清潔,發電機保養;離JUBA 200公里內站點每月2次;200公里外站點每月1次保養。

4. To clean the central machine room and the said telecom stations: weekly cleaning and generator maintenance will be respectively done for the central machine room and the telecom stations in the urban area JUBA; twice cleaning and generator maintenance will be done for the telecom stations with a distance of 200km or shorter to the urban area of JUBA each month; and monthly cleaning and generator maintenance will be done for the telecom stations which are over 200km from the urban area of JUBA; and

5. To provide fueling service to the telecom stations (provisional, needing further negotiation).


Response time:


1. The central machine room in the urban area of JUBA executes a 24-hour watch system;


2. In the case of a failure occurring at a telecom station in the urban area of JUBA, our engineer(s) will arrive at the telecom station and start to handle the failure within one hour;


站點為:Terkaka、Torit、Nemoli、Bor、Magwi、Lainya... ...等等

3. Local attendant(s) shall be assigned for each telecom station with a distance of 200km or shorter to the urban area of JUBA (including Terkaka, Torit, Nemoli, Bor, Magwi, Lainya, etc.). In case of a major failure occurring at such a telecom station, our engineer(s) will arrive at the telecom station and start to handle the failure within five hours; and


站點為:Wangulie、Kajo  Kaji、Yambio、WAU、Malkal


4. Local attendant(s) shall be assigned for each telecom station which is over 200km from the urban area of JUBA (including Wangulie, Kajo, Kaji, Yambio, WAU and Malkal). In case of a major failure occurring at such a telecom station, our engineer(s) will arrive at the said telecom station as soon as possible to handle the failure.




  • 電子設備
  • 機械製造/設備
  • 電子通信工程
  • 醫療設備
  • 化妝品
  • IT/電腦
  • 建築/公路/橋樑工程
  • 法律法規


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