公司简介翻译-提供高质量高水准的翻译服务!020-85593870 020-85593869


  • 电话:020-85593870
  • 电话:020-85593869
  • 地址:广州市天河区天河路371-377号隆德大厦6楼西A15室(地铁石牌桥站D出口)



  • 中国建筑标准研究院
  • 中国机械进出口总公司
  • 日产汽车
  • 英国航空公司
  • 埃克森美孚石油公司
  • 瑞士再保险公司
  • 中国电力
  • 中华律师协会
  • 法国使馆

首页 >> 翻译项目 >> 公司简介/宣传手册翻译

公司简介/宣传手册翻译 多年以来我们努力提供在各个专业领域的翻译服务,并为客户积累专业术语数据库,优质低价的翻译服务为广州全意翻译公司赢得了很多大公司的认可。对于大量的翻译任务,我们提供从翻译到设计印刷的一条龙服务。通过公司大量经验丰富的翻译人员,广州全意翻译公司能进行各语种、涉及各种专业技术领域的翻译工作:包括技术资料、软件、培训材料、杂志、消费指南、宣传手册、法律文件、财务报告及商业信函等。



宗旨: 公司凭借在中国多年来在装饰和建材方面的渠道及经验,利用现有及再创资源和努力,开创中国→德国贸易,并逐步发展壮大过渡为中国→欧洲贸易,在从中国进口贸易到一定稳定阶段,逐步开发寻求从德国及欧洲其它国家往中国出口产品,希望形成双向贸易局面.
Tenet: Based on the channels and experience over years in the fields of decoration and building materials in China, the Company will make use of the existing and re-created resources and efforts, to initiate China → Germany trade and gradually develop and strengthen it into a China → Europe trade, as well as gradually develop and seek export products from Germany and other European countries to China. It is hoped for a two-way trading situation to be shaped.
As we have also accumulated many case experiences in intelligence, communication, and decoration projects domestically in China, we will also attempt and try at the possibility for development of related projects in Germany while we are doing trade. This is because the products we will operate and trade are all the products that must be used in these related projects.
On this account, we shall make use of the company that is already owned by use in Germany and plan to increase new registration capital, to purchase in Germany (according to primary decision) commercial (shops, exhibition hall, and other integrated) real properties. It is hoped to complete the purchase of real properties and refurbishment over a time for about 6-8 months, and at the same time to fulfill purchase of samples and some inventories domestically in China to be operated and traded (most of them already prepared), to be shipped to Germany by the trusted freight company (one container cargo volume for the initial time as estimated). It is also planned to complete the early-stage related work within 8-10 months (arrival in Germany → business talk for purchase of real properties → samples → decoration and fitment → setup of new offices, shops, and exhibition hall → sales work and marketing work in the local region and nearby regions).



  • 电子设备
  • 机械制造/设备
  • 电子通信工程
  • 医疗设备
  • 化妆品
  • IT/计算机
  • 建筑/公路/桥梁工程
  • 法律法规


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