- 电话:020-85593870
- 电话:020-85593869
- Email:fy991@126.com
- 地址:广州市天河区天河路371-377号隆德大厦6楼西A15室(地铁石牌桥站D出口)
首页>>翻译案例>> 公司章程翻译/香港公司章程翻译/开曼公司章程翻译
First: The name of the Company is
Second: The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in Hong Kong .
Third: The objects for which the Company is established are:
(1) 开展投资控股公司的业务,并办理各种投资和代理业务。
(1) To carry on the business of an Investment and Holding Company and to undertake and to transact all kinds of investment and agency business.
(2) 认购、有条件或无条件包销、或持有、交易及转换所有类型的股票、股份和有价证券,并抽取佣金;与任何个人合伙企业或公司建立伙伴关系,或建立合作,或就共享利润、各种权益和互惠特许进行分配;推进及帮助推进建立、创建或成立任何公司、财团及任何性质的合伙企业,以收取和偿付公司的任何资产和债务,或以直接或间接推进公司目的实现,或以实现公司认为有利的任何其他目的。
(2) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in, and convert stocks, shares, and securities of all kinds, and to enter into partnership, or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interests, reciprocal concession or co-operation with any person partnership or company, and to promote, and aid in promoting, constitute, form or organise any company, syndicate or partnership or any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of this Company, or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects thereof, or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
(3) 持有或购入拥有类似于该公司全部或部分目的的任何其他公司的股份,或开展有业务的并可直接或间接使该公司受益的任何其他公司的股份。
(3) To take or otherwise acquire and hold shares in any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Company or carrying on any business capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit this Company.
(4) 接收并持有他人的或被托管的收益,或任何类型和性质的其他财产、不动产和个人资产等,供其使用;以任何方式对上述资产进行投资、再投资、管理、清算、控制、销售和处理;对公司和订约人签订协议条款下产生的收益、利润和利息,进行征收、管理、投资、再投资、调整和处理。
(4) To receive and hold for its own use, benefit on behalf or in trust or otherwise moneys and other property and estates, real, personal, and mixed, of whatever kind and nature and the same to invest, reinvest, manage, settle, control, sell and dispose of in any manner and to collect, manage, invest, reinvest, adjust, and in any manner to dispose of the income, profits, and interest arising there from upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the Company and the persons contracting with it.
(5) 合并拥有类似于该公司全部或部分目的的任何其他公司。
(5) To amalgamate with any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Company.
(6) 对公司暂时不需要的、而可能随时根据决定需要的资产,进行投资和处理。
(6) To invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately required as may from time to time be determined.
(7) 开展作为融资人、资本家、财政代理人、承保人(与人寿保险、海运保险和火灾保险无关)、受让人、经纪人和商人的业务;进行并开展所有类型的金融、商业、贸易和其他操作;开展银行家、股票经纪人、以及互助基金和各种类型投资经销商的全部和任何业务。
(7) To carry on business as financiers, capitalists, financial agents, underwriters (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires, brokers and merchants and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations. To carry on all or any of the activities of bankers, stockbrokers and dealers in mutual funds and investments of ail kinds.
(8) 通过购买、出租、交换或销售,获取土地、任何期限的建筑和可继承财产、说明书、任何房产获取产权、以及与土地相关的任何权利;开发并利用类似的和 / 或公司拥有所有权的任何其他资产,或捐助、资助、协助或参与任何资产的开发和利用,以及开发并利用任何属于或不属于公司的财产资源。特别是在不违背上述事项普遍性的前提下,通过为造林和建筑备制类似条款,并建造、更改、拆毁、装饰、维护、布置、改进和管理各种类型建筑、道路、港口、桥梁、水库、水道、小径、种植园、防御工事、水利构造物、磨房、冶炼厂、工厂、熔炉、高架桥和其他工程、以及所有规模的企业和项目,通过出租或处理类似设施,以及通过将账款移交给与施工人员、承包商、租户及其他人签订有任何类型合同和协议的当事方,对上述资产进行开发和利用。
(8) To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange or otherwise and sell land, buildings and hereditaments of any tenure or description and any estate or interest therein and any rights over or connected with land and to develop and to turn the same and/or any other property in which the Company may be interested to account as may seem expedient or to contribute to, subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in developing and turning to account any property and develop and turn to account the resources of any property whether belonging to the Company or not, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, by laying out and preparing the same for afforestation and for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, improving and managing buildings of all kinds, roads, harbours, bridges, reservoirs, water-courses, ways, plantations, fortifications, hydraulic-works, mills, smelting works, factories, furnaces, viaducts and other' works, enterprises and projects of all descriptions and by leasing or otherwise dealing with the same and by advancing money to any entering into contracts and agreements of all kinds with builders, contractors, tenants and others.
(9) 进口、出口、购买、准备、处理并制造有销路商品;出售、交换、抵押并给出预付项等;经营或利用产品、货物、材料、商品、以及其备制和制造或未处理的一般货品;开展所有类型的财务、商业、贸易、工程和其他制造业务,以及所有批发或零售业务。
(9) To import, export, buy, prepare, treat, manufacture, render marketable, sell, exchange, barter, pledge, charge, make advances on and otherwise deal in or turn to account produce, goods, materials, commodities, and merchandise generally in their prepared, manufactured or raw state and to undertake, carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading, engineering and other manufacturing operations and all businesses whether wholesale or retail.
(10) 开展一般商人、贸易商、佣金代理商、进口商、出口商、托运人、船主、冰箱制造商、租船人、运输代理、销售代理、制造商分销代理、代理商、运输公司分代理、经纪人、经纪人代理、采购代理、码头管理员、仓库管理员、供给者、旅游和旅行代理、拍卖人、评估人、估价师、测量员、信用担保代理人、个人和促销代表、代理人、店主、古董经销商、装卸工、包装工、商店、渔夫和拖捞船、马具商、施工人员、承包商、冶金家、以及各种类型工程及任何企业或项目承办人的所有或任何业务。
(10) To carry on all or any of the businesses of general merchants, traders, commission agents, importers, exporters, shippers and ship-owners, refrigerators, charterers, forwarding agents, sales agents, and sub-agents for manufacturers, agents, and sub-agents for carriers, brokers and agents for brokers, purchasing agents, wharfingers, warehousemen, furnishers, tourist and travel agents, auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, surveyors, del credere agents, personal and promotional representatives, factors, shopkeepers, antique dealers, stevedores, packers, stores, fishermen and trawlers, saddlers, builders, contractors, metallurgists, and undertakers of all kinds of works, enterprises or projects whatsoever.
(11) 获取、购买、拥有、出租、租用、治理、管理、控制、操作、构造、修补、更改、装备、布置、配备、装饰、改进并经营工程和建筑及所有类型的便利设施,在不违背上述事项普遍性的前提下,包括铁路、电车轨道、码头、港口、支墩、停泊处、运河、水库、堤防、水坝、灌溉设施、开垦工事、污水处理工程、排水工程、卫生工程,以及水、气、油、电机、电、电话、电信和能源供应工事。
(11) To acquire, sell, own, lease, let out to hire, administer, manage, control, operate, construct, repair, alter, equip, furnish, fit out, decorate, improve and otherwise deal in works, buildings, and conveniences of all kinds, which expression without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing shall include railways, tramways, docks, harbours, piers, wharves, canals, reservoirs, embankments, dams, irrigations, reclamations, sewage, drainage and sanitary works, water, gas, oil, motor, electrical, telephonic, telegraphic and power supply works.
(12) 同时或单独开展经营者、推销商、生产者、组织者,以及所有类型公共娱乐、体育、休闲、比赛、室内或室外文娱活动及相关活动管理者的所有或任何业务;购买、出租、租用、构造、提供、经营、配备、提供并供应任何必要或便利的土地、建筑、设施、构筑物、装置和设备。
(12) To carry on all or any of the businesses whether together or separately of proprietors, promoters, producers, organizers, and managers of all kinds of public entertainments, sports, recreation, competitions, and amusements whether indoor or outdoor and in connection therewith to purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip, furnish and fit out any necessary or convenient land, buildings, facilities, structures, apparatus, and equipment.
(13) 开展作为饭店、茶点和茶馆、咖啡馆和牛奶及小吃店、夜总会及任何类型俱乐部、客栈、啤酒屋、酒店、汽车旅馆、旅店、寄宿处和公寓建筑经营者和 / 或经理的业务,以及开展作为寄宿客房服务员、领有卖酒许可证的旅店老板、葡萄酒和啤酒及饮料商、酿酒人、麦芽制造人、蒸馏人员、汽水和矿物水与人工水及其他饮料进口商和制造商、其各自分部伙食管理员和承包商的业务,同时开展作为剧院、电影院、歌舞厅、音乐厅、体育馆、台球室、保龄球中心、其他小型娱乐场所、广播站、电视台及其工作室经理和 / 或经营者的业务。
(13) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house, hotels, motels, inns, lodging-houses, apartment houses, and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer, and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and ail places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
(14) 开展所有类型材料、化学品、物质、商品、及合成或自然或人造产品的制造商、生产者、精炼者、开发商和经销商的业务,其中的产品特别包括但不限于前述产品、塑胶、树脂、纺织品、纤维织物、纤维、羽绒制品、皮革、毛发、橡胶、树胶及由其制成的货物和物品、化合物、中间产品、衍生产品、以及磨损或装扮或个人或家庭用副产品和装饰物。
(14) To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, refiners, developers, and dealers in all kinds of materials, chemicals, substances, commodities, and products whether synthetic, natural, or artificial, including in particular but without limitation to the foregoing, plastics, resins, textiles, fabrics, fibres, feather goods, leather, hair, rubber, balata and goods and articles made from the same and compounds, intermediates, derivatives, and by-products thereof, whether for wearing, attire, or personal or household use or ornament.
(15) 开展作为木料商、锯木厂经营者、制桶工人、容器生产商、细木工人、木匠和家具木工的业务;购买、销售、备制、进口、出口并经销所有类型的木料和木材;加工并经销木料和木材制成的各种类型产品。
(15) To carry on business as timber merchants, saw mill proprietors, coopers, cask makers, joiners, carpenters, cabinet makers, and to buy, sell, prepare for market, import, export, and deal in timber and wood of all kinds, and to manufacture and deal in articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which timber or wood is used.
(16) 购买、销售、制造、建造、修理、更改、转换、整修、抢修、筹集、供应、准备、拆毁、出租并经销木料、钢铁、金属、玻璃、矿产品、矿石、机械装置、铁道机车车辆、厂房、设备、器具、仪器、角具、工具、装备、电气用具、材料、燃料、以及所有类型任何材质的可用于任何目的的产品和商品。
(16) To buy, sell, manufacture, construct, repair, alter, convert, refit, salve, raise, fit out, rig out, scrap, let on hire and otherwise deal in timber, iron, steel, metal, glass, minerals, ores, machinery, rolling-stock, plant, equipment, utensils, instruments, implements, tools, apparatus, appliances, materials, fuels, and products and commodities of all kinds and of whatever substance and for any purpose whatsoever.
(17) 开展钢铁制造商、钢铁转换商、铁器制造商、煤矿业主、焦炭制造商、矿工、熔炼工、技工、木匠、细木工、锅炉制造商、水管工、铜制品厂创办人、建筑材料供应商和制造商、以及所有各自分公司的白铁板制造商和铁器制造商的业务;购买、租借或兼并任何矿山、油井、采石场、金属产地及其任何权益;探测、运作、使用、开发并利用上述事项;压碎、赢取、获得、挖掘、熔炼、煅烧、精炼、合并、操作、加工并备制可销售矿石、金属制品、宝石及各种类型的矿物质;开展有利于公司目的的任何其他冶金作业。
(17) To carry on the trade or business of steel makers, steel converters, ironmasters, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, millwrights, carpenters, joiners, boiler makers, plumbers, brass founders, building material suppliers and manufacturers, tinplate manufacturers and iron founders in all their respective branches and to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, wells, quarries, and metalliferous land and any interests therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and otherwise turn to account the same; to crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate, and otherwise process and prepare for market ores, metals, precious stones, and mineral substances of all kinds and to carry on any other metallurgical operations which may seem conducive to the Company's objects.
(18) 建立、维护并运作海洋和天空及陆地运输企业(公有或私有)以及所有辅助性行业,为此要购买、交换、包租、租借、构建、建造、经营和交易任何类型的船舶、船舰、飞机、飞行器、车辆、自行车、长途公车、货车或拖车(无论如何提供动力),我们为以上运输工具配备有所有必要和简便的设备、发动机、装备、传动装置、配件和备用品,并提供有关船舶、船舰、飞机、飞行器、发动机和其他车辆、自行车、拖车、长途公车或货车的任何股份或权益,包括公司拥有的股票或有价证券以及在上述运输方式中拥有的任何权益;维护、修理、装备、整修、改进、保证、更改、出售、交换、出租、租购、经营和处理任何船舶、船舰、飞机、飞行器、车辆、自行车、拖车、长途公车、货车、股份、股票和有价证券、以及任何发动机、装备、传动装置、设备和公司备用品。
(18) To establish, maintain, and operate sea, air, and land transport enterprises (public and private) and all ancillary services and, for these purposes or as independent undertakings, to purchase, take in exchange, charter, hire, build, construct, own work, manage, and otherwise trade with any kind of ship, vessel, aircraft, flying machine, vehicle, cycle, coach, wagon, or carriage (however powered), with all necessary and convenient equipment, engines, tackle, gear, furniture, fittings and stores or any shares or interests in ships, vessels, aircraft, flying machine, motor and other vehicle, cycle, carriage, coach or wagon, including shares, stocks, or securities of Companies possessed of or interested in any of the above modes of transport, and to maintain, repair, fit out, refit, improve, insure, alter, sell, exchange, or let out on hire or hire purchase, or otherwise deal with and dispose of any ship, vessel, aircraft, flying machine, vehicle, cycle, carriage, coach, wagon, shares, stock, and securities, or any of the engines, tackle, gear, furniture, equipment, and stores of the Company.
(19) 开展书商、书籍厂商、装订商、印刷商、报纸或杂志或书籍或期刊或车票或方案或手册或宣传刊物及所有其他类型出版物的出版商和经营者、凸版和铜板印刷机、卷装和自动印刷机、彩色印刷机、石印工、铸字工人、铸版工人、电版技师、摄影打印机、雕刻机、制模工、设计师、制图员、报刊经销商、新闻广告员、新闻记者、文稿代理人、文具商、雕刻或印刷或图片及图纸的制造商和经销商、广告代理和承包商、艺术家、雕刻家、设计师、装潢师、插图画家、有关所有类型摄影器材和设备的摄影师和经销商、制片人、制作人和分销商、宣传员和陈列专家的业务,以及公司有能力开展的与上述各项相关的任何其他业务。
(19) To carry on all or any of the businesses of booksellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress and copperplate printers, rollform and automatic printers, colour printers, lithographers, type founders, stereotypers, electrotypers, photographic printers, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, newsagents, pressagents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, advertising agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers and dealers in photographic supplies and equipment of all kinds, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with the above.
- 电子设备
- 机械制造/设备
- 电子通信工程
- 医疗设备
- 化妆品
- IT/计算机
- 建筑/公路/桥梁工程
- 法律法规