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Chinese-English Dictionary of Public Signs
深圳市人民政府外事办公室、深圳市翻译协会 编制
主食谱 Staple Foods
煮饭 Cooked Rice
蒸饭 Steamed Rice
炒饭 Fried Rice
菜饭 Vegetable Rice
蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Eggs
扬州炒饭 Fried Rice with Eggs & Prawns
盖浇饭 Rice Served with Meat & Vegetables
什锦烩饭 Mix-meat Risotto
鸡汤泡饭 Shredded Chicken with Rice in Soup
肠粉 Rice Noodle Roll
米粉、米线 Rice-Noodles
炒米粉 Soft Cooked Rice Noodles
馒头 Steamed Bread
炸馒头 Deep Fried Steamed Bread
烤馒头 Baked Steamed Bread
花卷 Steamed Roll/ Steamed Twisted Roll
包子 Steamed Stuffed Bun
菜包 Green Vegetable Bun
肉包子 Meat Bun
水晶包 Steamed Bun with Sugar & Pork Fat
糖包 Steamed Bun with Sugar Stuffing
小笼包子 Small Steamed Meat Bun/ Small Steamed Meat Dumpling
烧卖 Shaomai/ Steamed Dumpling with the Dough Gathered at the Top
蟹黄烧卖 Crab Shaomai
窝窝头 Steamed Corn Bread
玉米饽饽 Flapjack
馅饼 Meat Pie
酥饼 Shortcake
烧饼、火烧 Baked Wheat Cake
千层饼 Multi-layer Steamed Bread
煎饼 Pan Cake with Deep Fried Dough Cake &Soy Sauce Stuffing
油饼 Deep-fried Dough Cake
猪肉水饺 Boiled Pork Dumpling
虾饺 Shrimp Dumpling
馄饨 Chinese Flour Dumplings/ Wonton/ Dumplings in Soup
猪肉馄饨 Pork Wonton
虾仁馄饨 Shrimp Wonton
面疙瘩 Dough Slices in Soup
春卷 Spring Roll
炸春卷 Fried Spring Roll
面条 Noodles
煮面 Stewed Noodles
汤面 Noodles in Soup
牛肉面 Beef Noodles
虾仁面 Shrimp Noodles
打卤面 Noodles with Sauce
炸酱面 Noodles with Pork Mince & Soy Bean Sauce
凉拌面 Cool Braised Noodles Mixed with Sauce
方便面、速食面 Instant Noodles
扬州炒面 Assorted Meat with Fried Noodles
蒸糕 Steamed Cake
炒年糕 Saute Glutinous Rice Flour Cake
珍珠麻团 Pearl-shaped Balls of Glutinous Rice
棕子 Pyramid-shaped Glutinous Rice Dumpling (Wrapped in Reed Leaves)
粥 Gruel/ Porridge/ Congee
糯米粥 Glutinous Rice Congee
玉米粥 Maize Gruel
皮蛋粥 Minced Preserved Egg with Rice Gruel
中餐菜谱 Menus of Chinese Food
东坡肉 Stewed Pork in Dongpo Style
回锅肉 Stir-fried Boiled Pork Slices in Chilli Sauce/Twice-cooked Pork
咕噜肉/古老肉 Sweet & Sour Pork
粉蒸排骨 Steamed Spareribs with Rice Flour
水晶肘子 Pork Leg Jelly
焖牛肉 Pot Roast Beef
咖啡牛肉 Fried Curry Beef/ Curried Beef Stew/ Beef Curry
红烧牛肉 Beef in Brown Sauce
蚝油牛肉 Oyster Sauce Beef
铁板牛柳 Stir-fried beef with onion on hot iron plate
烤羊肉串 Mutton Cubes Roasted on a Skewer/ Kebab
烧鸡 Stewed Chicken
白斩鸡 Boiled Chicken
香酥鸡 Savoury & Crisp Chicken
怪味鸡 Chicken in Piquant Sauce
油淋鸡 Boiling Oil Scalded Chicken
棒棒鸡 Shredded Chicken/ Chicken Cutlets in Chilli Sauce
辣子鸡丁 Diced Chicken Saute with Green Pepper
烤鸭 Roast Duck
盐水鸭 Boiled Salted Duck/Salted Duck
樟茶鸭 Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style
蒸鹅 Steamed Goose
西红柿炒鸡蛋 Tomato Omelet
糖醋鱼 Sweet & Sour Fish
红烧鲤鱼 Stewed Carp in Brown Sauce
松鼠黄鱼 Sweet & Sour Boneless Yellow Croaker
扒鱼翅 Steamed Shark’s Fins
腰果虾仁 Fried Shrimp Meat with Cashew Nuts
虾仁豆腐 Shrimp Meat with Bean Curd
红烧干贝 Stewed Scallops in Brown Sauce
沙锅豆腐 Bean Curd in Earthen Ware Pot
炸茄合 Fried Stuffed Eggplant
拌黄瓜 Fresh Cucumber with Bean Sauce
什锦火锅 Assorted Meat & Vegetables in Casserole
什锦锅巴 Assorted Meat with Fried Rice Crusts
冷盘 Cold Dish(双拼 2Sorts)(四拼 4 Sorts)
西湖莼菜汤 West Lake Style Water Shield Soup
鱼圆汤 Fish Ball Soup
蛋花汤 Egg Drop Soup
燕窝汤 Bird’s Nest Soup
粟米羹 Sweet Maize Potage
西湖牛肉羹 Thick Soup of Minced Beef & Egg
蟹黄豆腐羹 Bean Curd & Crab-meat Soup